Botox and Dermal Fillers – Benefits and Differences

Have you thought about Botox or dermal fillers, but you were not sure what would be the best treatment.  Here are some basics to help you understand the benefits and differences.   Botox is a purified botulinum toxin that allows the muscles to relax.  Other...

CIT with PRP for Anti-aging and Skin Rejuvenation

Skin care is being revolutionized with treatments that require little to no downtime. One of the latest advances includes microneedling with PRP (platelet rich plasma). If you haven’t considered it yet,  you should.  The Eclipse Dermapen treatment offered at Essex...

Healthy Estrogen Balance

Although many of us think of estrogen has just one hormone, it is actually consists of a group of hormones. The most notable estrogen hormones are estrone, estradiol and estriol. After menopause, estrone becomes the predominant estrogen where as prior to menopause,...

Keep Your Skin Looking Radiant

Health Habits to Keep Your Skin Looking Radiant It is a very busy world these days! This hectic lifestyle can minimize the amount and quality of sleep that we get. We expect to look tired when we don’t get enough sleep but what does the lack of sleep do to our skin...

Health and Hormonal Balance

Are you feeling fatigued?   Do you wonder if your hormones need a tune up?   Or maybe you would like to make a change in your diet to elevate your mood and energy levels? As we age, our bodies depend on good hormonal balance and proper nutrition to allow us to look...