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Health Habits to Keep Your Skin Looking Radiant

It is a very busy world these days! This hectic lifestyle can minimize the amount and quality of sleep that we get. We expect to look tired when we don’t get enough sleep but what does the lack of sleep do to our skin over time?

When we don’t get enough sleep, our cortisol levels increase.  This excess cortisol can lead to the breakdown of collagen, the protein that keeps skin smooth and elastic.  In addition, our growth hormone levels decline in response to the elevated cortisol. As this occurs, our muscle mass decreases and our skin becomes thinner.

What can we do to minimize the aging of our skin? Listed below are some great habits to keep your skin looking radiant:

  1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Try to stay on a consistent schedule for going to sleep and waking up.
  2. Exercise 30 minutes at least 4 times a week.   Physical activity improves circulation to the skin.  The increased blood flow helps to eliminate toxins in the skin.
  3. Take a break. In order to regulate cortisol, the body needs some downtime. Meditation and yoga are great ways to help you relax.
  4. Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including adequate fruits and vegetables. Did you know that most of us eat the same 15 foods every week? Our bodies respond better when we eat a variety of foods. In addition, fruits and vegetables help supply our skin with the nutrients needed for cellular DNA maintenance and repair.
  5. Eat breakfast every day. Be sure to have something to eat within an hour of waking up. A timely breakfast helps to reduce cortisol levels.
  6. Wear sun block every day regardless of how much sun exposure you get.