How Can a Chemical Peel Improve My Skin Chemical peels remove surface build up on the skin and stimulate cellular regeneration revealing a healthier and more youthful skin appearance. By using specialized acids and enzymes, these treatments will reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and minimize the appearance of pores and uneven skin tone resulting in a more vibrant appearance. Rhonda Allison Red Wine peel – What can this treatment do for your skin The Apple Wine Peel by Rhonda Allison is a very pure formula that gives skin a boost, removing surface cells to sooth and soften skin, infusing skin with nutrients and hydration. As a mild, natural, superficial peeling agent, Apple Wine Peel is beneficial for all skin types – offering firming, toning, antioxidant, and brightening support.
Knowing the ingredients in the Apple Wine peel, allows us understand what they do and how they work in the skin. One of the key components is red wine vinegar. In addition to being a potent antioxidant, red wine vinegar stimulates cellular regeneration and collagen synthesis. It helps to restore the natural acid balance of the skin and provides a cooling effect. Malic acid which is a natural substance found in apples, reduces cellular build up resulting in a brighter smoother complexion. It promotes thickening of the deeper layers of skin, promoting firmness. Another potent antioxidant in the Red Wine peel is Vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid. This vitamin in a well known potent antioxidant, providing protection from UVA and UVB rays, and correcting pigmentation. Often a component in the treatment of rosacea, Vitamin C can diminish redness and erythema. This fabulous peel is a great treatment option for the fall especially for dry and/or photodamanged skin.